
Dienstleistungen für den Onlinehandel

Business Contact Data

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Quality data: digital gold



Contact Data German sellers of leggings on, and German webshops

Offer 05.09.2020

Self-collected Contact Data of German sellers of leggings (textiles).

We collected the contact data of all relevant German online sellers for leggings.


The data package contains 684 data sets.

477 German Amazon sellers on

92 German eBay sellers on

115 German webshop sellers found on


Including: sellers' website, sellers contact data site, company name, manager, address, email, telephone.

File format: Excel


Price: 54,72 € (684 data sets x 0,08 €)


To Order, use the form or write an email to


Enter your name and email address.

Enter name of sales manager to get a 5,72 € discount.

We will send you a paypal pay-link.


When you pay, we will send the data to your email you paid with.

If you want the data send to a different email, please put the email address in the comment on paypal. You find it when you click the pay-link.


For all kind of questions write us an email to


Detailed product information:

477 Amazon sellers for lady's sport pants / leggings

477 Product pages. Displaying the ladies sport pants / leggings products of this seller.
477 Seller information / impressum pages. Gives information about the company and its contact data.
462 Company names. Shows the name of the company.
411 Mr. / Mrs. Shows gender of the shop owner / manager to address him / her better in your email.
459 Contact person. Shows the name of the shop owner / manager to address him / her better in your email.
477 Street + House number
477 Postcode
477 City
477 Country (All Germany)
475 Phone number
279 Fax number
477 E-Mail address
477 Amazon shop name. Shows the name of the Amazon-shop.
477 Nummer of category products. Displaying the number of different lady's sport pants / leggings products this seller actual offers.
477 Sells. Shows the number of sales this seller did on Amazon.

92 eBay sellers for leggings
92 eBay Shop URL. Displaying the products this seller offers on ebay.
92 eBay impressum URL. Gives information about the company and its contact data.
92 Company name
81 Mr. / Mrs.
91 Contact person
92 Street + House number
92 Postcode
92 Town
92 Country
86 Phone number
33 Fax number
92 E-Mail address

115 online-shops for leggings
115 Webshop URL. Displaying sellers webshop.
115 Impressum URL. Gives information about the company and its contact data.
115 Company Name
99 Mr. / Mrs.
106 Contact person
115 Street + House number
115 Postcode
115 Town
115 Country
113 Phone number
77 Fax number
115 E-Mail address


Additional including:

A PDF "How to best contact German sellers" to higher your success with your contact data. The PDF is included in the price.


Start selling date: 05.09.2020

End selling date: 30.09.2020